Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Greatest Generation

The Greatest Generation needs to do the right thing. Because your future generations are facing devastation. Don't be trapped by pride. Everyone knows you've been lied to for 40 Years or more by the government controlled media. It's not your fault that you didn't have the right information about the state of things. If your in a church that doesn't defend the bill of rights and declaration of independence, then your not in a church, your in a government controlled propaganda organization.

If your not protesting the patriot act, ndaa, armored checkpoints, foreign and UN troops on US soil, 1.6 billion bullets, re-education. Then you're letting the bill of rights and the 5000 year miracle go. If you're driving a Winnebago that says we're spending our kids inheritance. You're right you are, and you did for the next 100 years or more.

Turn off the TV, Don't drink the Fluoride, Dont eat the Chem Food, Get off the couch, Talk Politics First before there's not any Politics. And Your living in a Mad Dictator World run by Mad Scientists and Demented Bankers.

The parties are a fraud. Don't let the party go on. Vote the globalists out of office, take back your local districts for the constitution. Get Mad as Hell, Don't Take it Any More!